The Christmas Letter

It was the first Christmas that my dad would not be with us. 

He wouldn’t be there to make us laugh with goofy stories and facial expressions. He wouldn’t be there to blink in irritation as travel plans went awry. He wouldn’t be there to help me design my annual gingerbread house. And he wouldn’t be there to give us firm hugs full of love. 

We wanted to find a way to honor and remember him — but how?

We did various things that first year, like donating toys we thought my dad would like to kids who needed presents, but one activity stuck: Letter writing.

My mom asked my brother and me to each write a letter to my dad, seal it in an envelope and put it in my dad’s stocking before Christmas morning.

So each year, I pick out a favorite note card or piece of stationary, find a quiet place to sit and I write a letter to my dad with the smooth blue and silver pen that used to flutter across the paper in his hand.

This tradition is a sacred opportunity to reflect on the year that has passed and tell him about what he’s missed. (Although now, years later, I feel like he hasn’t missed a thing.)

As I write…

I cry, I laugh, and often times I run out of words to express the truth of what lies within my heart. But no matter what happens, it feels good to connect. I feel honored to remember. And writing makes it possible.

This year, I’m inviting you into the tradition.

We’ll meet via Zoom on Friday, December 15th at 3pm PT.

I hope you can join us!

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